How Often to Water Arborvitae?

Arborvitae, also known as Thuja, is a popular evergreen plant that adds beauty and privacy to many landscapes. With their elegant, pyramid-like shape and lush green foliage, it’s no wonder they’re a favorite among homeowners and landscapers. But the key to keeping these stunning trees healthy and thriving is proper watering. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how often to water arborvitae, along with helpful tips and tricks to ensure your trees stay vibrant and strong.


Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of watering arborvitae, it’s important to understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The frequency at which you water your trees depends on a variety of factors, including the age of the plant, the climate, and the soil type.

Factors Affecting Watering Frequency

There are several factors that impact how often you should water your arborvitae:

  1. Age of the plant: Younger plants typically require more frequent watering than established plants.
  2. Climate: Hotter, drier climates will necessitate more frequent watering than cooler, wetter climates.
  3. Soil type: Sandy soils drain quickly, requiring more frequent watering, while clay soils retain moisture longer.
  4. Season: Plants may need more water during hot, dry summer months than during cooler, wetter times of the year.

General Watering Guidelines

While there’s no strict formula for how often to water arborvitae, there are some general guidelines to follow:

  • Water deeply and less frequently, rather than shallowly and often.
  • Avoid letting the soil dry out completely between waterings.
  • Ensure that the root zone is moist, but not waterlogged.

Watering Young Arborvitae

For the first year or two, young arborvitae trees require consistent moisture to establish a strong root system. During this time, water them:

Watering Young Arborvitae
Watering Young Arborvitae
  • 1-2 times per week during the growing season.
  • Once every 2-3 weeks during the winter months (depending on rainfall and temperatures).

Watering Established Arborvitae

Once your arborvitae trees have been established for a few years, they become more drought-tolerant. At this stage, you can reduce watering to:

  • Once every 2-4 weeks during the growing season (depending on climate and soil type).
  • Once every 4-6 weeks during the winter months (if necessary).

Signs of Overwatering and Underwatering

Overwatering and underwatering can both cause problems for your arborvitae trees. Here are some signs to look out for:


  • Yellowing foliage
  • Root rot or fungus
  • Wilting despite wet soil


  • Dry, brittle foliage
  • Wilting with dry soil
  • Stunted growth or slow growth rate

Tips for Effective Watering

To ensure your arborvitae trees receive the proper amount of water, follow these helpful tips:

  1. Use a soaker hose or drip irrigation system: These methods deliver water slowly and directly to the root zone, allowing for better absorption and less evaporation.
  2. Water early in the day: Watering in the morning helps prevent water loss through evaporation and reduces the likelihood of diseases caused by wet foliage.
  3. Check soil moisture: Before watering, check the soil moisture at a depth of 6-8 inches using a soil probe or your finger. If it feels dry, it’s time to water.

Mulching: A Secret Weapon

Mulching is an essential step in maintaining proper soil moisture for arborvitae. A layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips or shredded bark, helps:

  • Retain moisture in the soil
  • Regulate soil temperature
  • Suppress weeds that compete for water
  • Add nutrients to the soil as it decomposes

Apply a 2-4 inch layer of mulch around the base of your arborvitae trees, keeping it a few inches away from the trunk to prevent rot.

Drought-Tolerant Arborvitae Varieties

While all arborvitae trees benefit from consistent watering, some varieties are more drought-tolerant than others. If you live in a region with low rainfall or frequent drought conditions, consider planting one of these varieties:

  • Thuja occidentalis ‘Emerald Green’
  • Thuja plicata ‘Green Giant’
  • Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’

Incorporating Arborvitae into Your Landscape

Arborvitae trees are versatile and can be used in a variety of landscape applications, including:

  • Privacy screens or hedges
  • Windbreaks
  • Foundation plantings
  • Specimen trees

When incorporating arborvitae into your landscape, ensure they have enough space to grow and thrive. Plant them in well-draining soil and provide proper care, including regular watering, pruning, and pest management.


How much water does an arborvitae tree need per week?

The amount of water an arborvitae tree needs per week depends on its age, climate, and soil type. Generally, young trees need 1-2 waterings per week, while established trees require watering every 2-4 weeks.

What is the best time of day to water arborvitae?

The best time to water arborvitae is early in the day, preferably in the morning. This helps reduce water loss due to evaporation and decreases the risk of diseases caused by wet foliage.

How can I tell if my arborvitae is getting too much or too little water?

Signs of overwatering include yellowing foliage, root rot, and wilting despite wet soil. Under watering symptoms include dry, brittle foliage, wilting with dry soil, and stunted or slow growth.

Do arborvitae need more water during hot weather?

Yes, arborvitae may require more frequent watering during hot, dry weather to maintain proper soil moisture levels. Be sure to check soil moisture regularly and adjust your watering schedule as needed.

Can arborvitae survive drought conditions?

Some arborvitae varieties are more drought-tolerant than others, but all benefit from consistent watering. In regions with low rainfall or frequent drought conditions, consider planting drought-tolerant varieties and practice proper watering and mulching techniques to help your trees survive.

37 thoughts on “How Often to Water Arborvitae?”

  1. Thanks for the useful information. I’ve been wondering how often to water my arborvitae and now I know!

  2. I have a few arborvitaes in my yard and I always struggle with how often to water them. Your article was really helpful and now I know to water them deeply once a week. Thank you!

  3. Thanks for sharing this informative article. I always struggle with knowing how often to water my arborvitae. Your advice has been very helpful.

  4. Thanks for the useful information on how often to water arborvitae. I have struggled with this in the past and your article provided clear guidance. I appreciate it!

  5. I find that watering my arborvitae once a week during the growing season works best. However, if the weather is particularly hot and dry, I water them twice a week. It’s important to make sure the soil is moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other plant diseases.

  6. Thanks for sharing this helpful information. I always struggle with knowing when to water my arborvitae, but now I have a better understanding. Keep up the good work!

  7. I have been struggling with overwatering my arborvitae and this article really helped me understand how often to water them. Thank you for the valuable information!

  8. Thanks for the helpful tips on watering arborvitae. I’ve been struggling to keep mine alive, but now I know I’ve been overwatering. I’ll be sure to adjust my watering schedule based on your recommendations.

  9. Thanks for sharing this helpful information on how often to water arborvitae. As a plant lover, I always struggle with knowing the right amount of water to give my plants. Your article has given me a better understanding of the needs of arborvitae and how to keep them healthy. Keep up the good work!

  10. Thanks for the helpful tips on watering arborvitae. I used to water mine every day, but now I know that it’s better to water deeply and less frequently. My trees are already looking healthier!

  11. I found this article very helpful in determining how often to water my arborvitae. It’s important not to overwater them, but also not to let them dry out completely. Thanks for the great advice!

  12. I always struggle with how often to water my arborvitae. This article provided great tips and advice. Thank you!

  13. Thank you for this informative article. I used to think that arborvitae needed a lot of water, but now I know to only water them once a week. My arborvitae looks healthier than ever!

  14. Thanks for the helpful advice on watering arborvitae. I always struggled with knowing how often to water them, but now I feel more confident in keeping them healthy. Your blog is a great resource for any plant lover!

  15. I found this article very helpful in understanding how often to water my arborvitae. I always thought they needed a lot of water, but now I know to only water them when the soil is dry to the touch. Thank you!

  16. I water my arborvitae every 7-10 days, depending on the weather. It’s important not to overwater them, as they don’t like to sit in wet soil. Check the soil moisture before watering and make sure the top few inches are dry. Also, be sure to water deeply to encourage deep root growth. Happy gardening!

  17. Thanks for the informative article! I’ve been wondering how often to water my arborvitae and now I know to make sure the soil stays moist but not waterlogged. Keep up the good work!

  18. Thanks for sharing this helpful information. I’ve been wondering how often to water my arborvitae and this article answered all my questions.

  19. Thanks for the helpful tips on how often to water arborvitae. I’ve been struggling with this and your advice has been a lifesaver. I’ll be sure to follow your recommendations moving forward.

  20. Thank you for sharing this helpful information. I always struggle with knowing how often to water my arborvitae, but now I feel more confident in my watering schedule. Keep up the great work!

  21. Thanks for sharing this informative article! I have struggled with overwatering my arborvitae in the past, so it’s great to know how often to water them. I’ll make sure to follow these tips to keep my trees healthy and happy.

  22. Thanks for sharing this useful information. I have been wondering how often to water my arborvitae and this article answered all my questions. Will definitely be incorporating these tips into my watering routine.

  23. I’ve been struggling with how often to water my arborvitae, but this article gave me some great tips. I now know to water deeply once a week, especially during hot and dry weather. Thank you!

  24. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips on how often to water arborvitae. I’ve been struggling with keeping mine healthy, but now I know to water deeply once a week during dry spells. Keep up the good work!

  25. Thanks for sharing this helpful information. As someone who loves gardening, I always struggle with knowing how often to water my arborvitae. This article was informative and easy to understand. Keep up the great work!

  26. As someone who recently planted arborvitae in my yard, I found this article very helpful. I was unsure of how often to water them, but now I know to water deeply once a week during dry spells. Thank you for the informative post!

  27. Thanks for the helpful tips on how often to water arborvitae. I’ve always struggled with knowing when to water mine, but now I feel more confident in keeping them healthy. Your article was informative and easy to understand. Keep up the good work!

  28. I have a few arborvitae in my yard and always struggle with how often to water them. This article was super helpful and provided me with some great tips. Thanks for sharing!

  29. Thanks for sharing this helpful information about watering arborvitae. I always struggle with knowing when to water mine. This article was very informative and gave me some great tips!

  30. This article was very helpful in understanding how often to water my arborvitae trees. I used to water them too frequently, but now I know to only water them when the soil is dry to the touch. Thank you for the great advice!

  31. I have been struggling to keep my arborvitae healthy, but your article has really helped. I used to water them every day, but now I know to only water them when the soil is dry to the touch. Thank you!

  32. I always wondered how often to water my arborvitae, thanks for the helpful article! I’ll make sure to keep an eye on the soil moisture and follow your guidelines.

  33. Thanks for the helpful tips on watering arborvitae. I always struggle with finding the right balance, but your advice has given me a better understanding of how often to water. Keep up the good work!

  34. Water arborvitae once a week during the growing season to keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Be sure to check the moisture level by feeling the soil before watering.

  35. I have found that watering my arborvitae every 7-10 days during the growing season keeps them healthy and thriving. It’s important to ensure deep watering, making sure the soil is moist at least 6 inches deep. However, be mindful not to overwater as it can lead to root rot. Overall, a consistent watering schedule is essential for the optimal growth of arborvitae trees.

  36. I water my arborvitae once a week during the growing season to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. It’s important to check the soil moisture before watering to avoid overwatering.

  37. I water my arborvitae once every week during the growing season. It’s important to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Remember to adjust the frequency depending on the weather conditions and the moisture level of the soil.


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